對絕大多數的日治時代的作家來說,寫作乃是一種反抗策略,企圖以迂迴間接的方式來控訴日本統治對於台灣人的壓迫。對吳濁 流來說,寫作更是一種趨近死亡的活動,有可能因為挑動了當時的 政治禁忌而惹來殺身之禍。此外,吳濁流身為日治時代最重要的作 家之一,其所著的《亞細亞的孤兒》已然是當代探討台灣人意識的 覺醒與否的經典文本,而其中論及的「孤兒意識」,自 1970 年代以 來,已經出現了各種論點相異的解讀。針對《亞細亞的孤兒》主人翁胡太明的「孤兒意識」而來的解 讀,最大的分歧點出現在「中國結」與「台灣結」上面,也就是出 現在「文化認同」與「政治認同」的歧異上面。而這樣的一種歧異, 便是台灣內部族群衝突的首要因素。本文將透過主人翁胡太明的分認同變化,論證多重認同的存在,從而為族群衝突的化解,尋求 一種可能的出路。
For most Taiwanese writers in Japanese colonial rule, writing is a kind of revolt strategy aiming at denouncing in the indirect way the Japanese unequal rule of Taiwan. For Wu, writing may provoke the political taboo at that time and then cause his death. Moreover, as one of the most important Taiwanese writings in Japanese colonial rule, his major text Orphan of Asia has become a classical text about the wakening of Taiwanese consciousness, and different discussions of “orphan consciousness” within that text has nourished since 1970.
Various readings of “orphan consciousness” within Orphan of Asia diverge from the difference of “China bonds” and “Taiwan bonds”, from the divergence between cultural identity and political identity. And this divergence is the major cause of ethnic conflicts in Taiwan. This article will examine the flow of the chief actor’s identity, then discuss the concept of multiple identity, and finally seek a possible exit for ethnic conflicts.