Page 115 - 《客語及少數族群語言政策》附錄_少數語言法律
P. 115


                        As the nature of modern society changes, we will need to develop our understanding of how
                        people live and how this relates to language practices. We need to assess the extent to which
                        the local community/neighbourhood remains a major influence on the language practices of
                        individuals, and be prepared to develop policy interventions which acknowledge the increase
                        in personal mobility.

                        The linguistic composition of communities varies from area to area, and varying levels of
                        purposeful planning are required to support the Welsh language according to local needs. In
                        some communities,
                        opportunities to use Welsh will be embedded in day-to-day interaction since Welsh is the
                        language of everyday life, while other communities will need support to ensure that
                        opportunities to speak Welsh are planned and facilitated.

                        The success of our efforts to increase usage will depend on a combination of acquisition,
                        confidence and fluency, quality of opportunities, and the desire to use skills. The remainder of this
                        section explains our vision for increasing the use of the Welsh language in different contexts.


                           6.  The workplace: increase the use of Welsh within the workplace across all sectors.

                           7.   Services:increase the range of services offered to Welsh speakers, and an increase
                               in use of Welsh-language services.

                           8.  Social use of Welsh: embed positive language use practices supported by
                               formal and informal opportunities to use Welsh socially.

                        To achieve our target of 20 per cent of the population speaking Welsh daily, we will drive the
                        following transformational changes.

                        •  Review the legislation which underpins the Welsh language to
                           ensure it offers a strong foundation for promoting and facilitating
                           the use of Welsh.
                        •   Ensure that the Welsh Government leads by example by promoting and
                           facilitating increased use of Welsh by our own workforce.

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