Page 152 - 《客語及少數族群語言政策》附錄_少數語言法律
P. 152

ETS 148 – Regional or Minority Languages, 5.XI.1992

                           i   traditionally used  within a  given  territory of a State by  nationals of that State  who form a
                               group numerically smaller than the rest of the State's population; and

                           ii   different from the official language(s) of that State;

                           it does not include either dialects of the official language(s) of the State or the languages
                           of migrants;

                      b    "territory  in  which  the  regional  or  minority  language  is  used"  means  the  geographical area in
                           which the said language is the mode of expression of a number of people justifying the adoption of
                           the various protective and promotional measures provided for in this Charter;

                      c    "non-territorial languages" means languages used by nationals of the State which differ from the
                           language or languages used by the rest of the State's population but which, although traditionally
                           used within the territory of the State, cannot be identified with a particular area thereof.

              Article 2 – Undertakings

                  1   Each Party undertakes to apply the provisions of Part II to all the regional or minority languages spoken
                      within its territory and which comply with the definition in Article 1.

                  2   In respect of each language specified at the time of ratification, acceptance or approval, in accordance
                      with Article 3, each Party undertakes to apply a minimum of thirty-five paragraphs or sub-paragraphs
                      chosen from among the provisions of Part III of the Charter, including at least three chosen from each of
                      the Articles 8 and 12 and one from each of the Articles 9, 10, 11 and 13.

              Article 3 – Practical arrangements

                  1   Each  Contracting  State  shall  specify  in  its  instrument  of  ratification,  acceptance  or  approval,  each
                      regional  or  minority  language,  or  official  language  which  is  less  widely  used  on  the whole or part
                      of its territory, to which the paragraphs chosen in accordance with Article 2, paragraph 2, shall apply.

                  2   Any Party may, at any subsequent time, notify the Secretary General that it accepts the obligations arising
                      out of the provisions of any other paragraph of the Charter not already specified in its instrument of
                      ratification, acceptance or approval, or that it  will  apply paragraph 1 of the present article to other
                      regional or minority languages, or to other official languages which are less widely used on the whole or
                      part of its territory.

                  3   The undertakings referred to in the foregoing paragraph shall be deemed to form an integral part of the
                      ratification, acceptance or approval and will have the same effect as from their date of notification.

              Article 4 – Existing regimes of protection

                  1   Nothing in this Charter shall be construed as limiting or derogating from any of the rights guaranteed by
                      the European Convention on Human Rights.

                  2   The provisions of this Charter shall not affect any more favourable provisions concerning the status of
                      regional or minority languages, or the legal regime of persons belonging to minorities which may exist in
                      a Party or are provided for by relevant bilateral or multilateral international agreements.

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