Page 238 - 《客語及少數族群語言政策》附錄_少數語言法律
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             and moral foundations of human life is recognized.
             (2)  Churches and religious communities are separate from the state.  They shall develop in the performance of
             their duties within the framework of the law applicable to all, free from state interference.  The relations of the
             country with the churches and religious communities are otherwise regulated by treaty.
             (3)  The diaconal and charitable work of the churches and religious communities is guaranteed.
             (4)  The provisions of Articles 136, 137, 138, 139 and 141 of the Constitution of the German Reich of 11 August
             1919 shall form an integral part of this Constitution.

                                                       Article 110
                             [Non-profit institutions under church or independent sponsorship]

             (1)  If the churches and religious communities maintain charitable institutions or establishments in the public
             interest, they shall be entitled to appropriate reimbursement of costs by the Land in accordance with the law.
             (2)  Independent institutions with comparable activities and equivalent services have the same entitlement.

                                                       Article 111
                       [Ecclesiastical teaching institutions/theological and religious education chairs]

             (1)  Churches and religious communities are entitled to maintain their own teaching institutions for the training of
             pastors and church employees.  These are treated as equivalent to state teaching institutions if they comply with
             the provisions of school and higher education law.
             (2)  Chairs at theological faculties and chairs of religious education are filled in consultation with the Church.
             2 Deviating agreements remain unaffected.

                                                       Article 112
                                             [State payments to the churches]
             (1)  The benefits of the country to the churches based on law, contract or special legal titles are guaranteed.
             (2)  The architectural monuments of churches and religious communities are, without prejudice to the right of
             ownership, cultural property of the general public.  For their structural maintenance, the churches and religious
             communities are therefore entitled to appropriate reimbursement by the state in accordance with the law.

                                                       11. Section
                                             Transitional and final provisions

                                                       Article 113
                                       [State of emergency, emergency parliament]

             (1)  If, in the event of imminent danger to the existence or the free democratic basic order of the Land or to the
             vital supplies of the population, or in the event of a state of emergency resulting from a natural disaster or a
             particularly serious accident, the Landtag is prevented from assembling immediately, a committee of the Landtag
             formed from all parliamentary groups of the Landtag shall exercise the rights of the Landtag as an emergency
             parliament.    The Constitution may not be amended by a law enacted by this committee.  The Committee does
             not have the power to withdraw confidence from the Prime Minister.
             (2)  As long as there is a threat to the existence or the free democratic basic order of the country, elections and
             votes to be held by the people shall not take place.  The determination that elections and votes shall not be held
             shall be made by the Diet by a majority of two-thirds of its members.  If the Landtag is prevented from meeting
             immediately, the committee referred to in paragraph 1 shall make the determination by a majority of two-thirds of
             its members.  The postponed elections and votes shall be held within six months after the Landtag has determined
             that the danger has ended.  The term of office of the eligible persons and entities shall be extended until the end
             of the day of the new election.
             (3)  The president of the Landtag shall make the determination that the Landtag is prevented from meeting as
             soon as possible.
             (4)  Laws shall, in the case of paragraph 1, if timely promulgation in the Gazette of Laws and Ordinances of the
             Free State of Saxony is not possible, be publicly announced by other means.  The promulgation in the Journal of
             Laws and Ordinances shall be made up as soon as circumstances permit.
             (5)  Decisions of the committee referred to in paragraph 1 may be repealed by the Landtag if a request to that
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