Page 240 - 《客語及少數族群語言政策》附錄_少數語言法律
P. 240


             (1)  The law in force in the territory of the Free State of Saxony as state law shall remain in force insofar as it does
             not contradict this Constitution.
             (2)  National law and national laws within the meaning of Articles 81(1)(2) and (3) and 90 shall also include the law
             and laws from the period before the entry into force of this Constitution.

                                                       Article 121
                                              [Saxon Academy of Sciences]

            The Free State is committed to the sponsorship of the Saxon Academy of Sciences in Leipzig.

                                                       Article 122
                                         [Adoption, promulgation, entry into force]

             (1)  This Constitution shall require the approval of two-thirds of the members of the Landtag.
             (2)  It shall be executed by the president of the Landtag and promulgated by the prime minister in the Gazette of
             Laws and Ordinances of the Free State of Saxony.
             (3)  The Constitution shall enter into force on the day following its promulgation.

            Annex to Article 109 paragraph 4:

                                                       Article 136
                                                   Weimar Constitution

             (1)  Civil and civic rights and duties are neither conditioned nor limited by the exercise of religious freedom.
             (2)  The enjoyment of civil and civic rights as well as admission to public office are independent of religious
             (3)  No one is required to disclose their religious beliefs.  The authorities have the right to ask about membership
             of a religious society only to the extent that rights and obligations depend on it or a statistical survey ordered by
             law requires it.
             (4)  No person shall be compelled to perform any ecclesiastical act or solemnity or to participate in religious
             exercises or to use any religious form of oath.

                                                       Article 137
                                                   Weimar Constitution
             (1)  There is no state church.
             (2)  Freedom of association to religious societies is guaranteed.  The merger of religious societies within the
             territory of the Reich is not subject to any restrictions.
             (3)  Each religious society shall organize and administer its affairs independently within the limits of the law
             applicable to all.  It confers its offices without the participation of the state or the civic community.
             (4)  Religious societies acquire legal capacity in accordance with the general provisions of civil law.
             (5)  The religious societies shall remain public corporations insofar as they have hitherto been such.  Other
             religious societies shall be granted equal rights upon their application if their constitution and the number of their
             members offer a guarantee of permanence.  If several such religious societies under public law join together to
             form a federation, this federation shall also be a corporation under public law.
             (6)  Religious societies, which are public corporations, are entitled to levy taxes on the basis of the civil tax lists in
             accordance with the provisions of state law.
             (7)  Associations whose purpose is the communal cultivation of a worldview shall be treated in the same way as
             religious societies.
             (8)  Insofar as the implementation of these provisions requires further regulation, this shall be incumbent upon the
             state legislation.

                                                       Article 138
                                                   Weimar Constitution

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