Page 44 - 《客語及少數族群語言政策》附錄_少數語言法律
P. 44

B. Semipublic agencies

           1.  Public utility enterprises:

           If they are not already Government agencies, the telephone, telegraph and cable-delivery enterprises, the air, ship,
           bus  and  rail  transport  enterprises,  the  enterprises  which  produce,  transport,  distribute  or  sell  gas,  water  or
           electricity, and enterprises holding authorizations from the Commission des transports.

           2.  Professional orders:
           The professional orders listed in Schedule I to the Professional Code (chapter C-26), or established in accordance
           with that Code.

           1977, c. 5, Schedule; 1978, c. 15, s. 140; 1983, c. 55, s. 161; 1984, c. 42, s. 137; 1985, c. 31, s. 44; 1985, c. 32, s. 159; 1988, c. 84, s.
           550; 1990, c. 85, s. 115; 1992, c. 21, s. 119, s. 375; 1993, c. 36, s. 8; 1993, c. 40, s. 62; 1993, c. 67, s. 108; 1994, c. 40, s. 457; 1994, c.
           23, s. 23; 1996, c. 2, s. 116; 1997, c. 44, s. 98; 1999, c. 40, s. 45; 2000, c. 8, s. 242; 2000, c. 56, s. 103; 2000, c. 57, s. 11; 2001, c. 23,
           s. 246; 2002, c. 75, s. 33; 2020, c. 1, s. 309.


           In accordance with section 17 of the Act respecting the consolidation of the statutes (chapter R-3), chapter 5 of the
           statutes of 1977, in force on 31 December 1977, is repealed, except sections 224 to 229 and 232, effective from the
           coming into force of chapter C-11 of the Revised Statutes.

           In accordance with section 17 of the Act respecting the consolidation of the statutes and regulations (chapter R-3),
           sections 11, 34, 58 and 208 of chapter 5 of the statutes of 1977, in force on 1 June 1979, are repealed effective from
           the coming into force of the updating to 1 June 1979 of chapter C-11 of the Revised Statutes

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