Page 99 - 《客語及少數族群語言政策》附錄_少數語言法律
P. 99



                           1.  Language transmission in the family: provide our children with
                              the best start in the language by expanding support for families to transmit
                              the language in the home.

                           2.  The early years:  expand Welsh-medium provision in the early years as an access
                              point for Welsh-medium education.

                           3.  Statutory education: create a statutory education system which increases
                              the number of confident Welsh speakers.
                           4.  Post-compulsory education: develop post-compulsory education provision
                              which increases rates of progression and supports everyone, whatever their command
                              of the language, to develop Welsh language skills for use socially and in the

                           5.  The education workforce, resources and qualifications: plan
                              in order to increase and improve substantially:
                              –  the education and training workforce which can teach Welsh and teach through the
                                 medium of Welsh
                              –  the resources and qualifications needed to support increased provision.

                        To achieve our target of a million Welsh speakers, we will drive the following transformational
                        changes. Successful implementation will be dependent on a number of organisations working

                        •  Make rapid progress to expand Welsh-medium early years provision
                           by 150 nursery groups over the next decade to facilitate
                           a seamless transition into Welsh-medium education.

                        •  Increase the proportion of each school year group receiving
                           Welsh-medium education from 22 per cent (based on 7,700
                           seven-year-old learners in 2015/16) to 30 per cent (about 10,500 in
                           each year group) by 2031, and then 40 per cent (about 14,000 in each
                           year group) by 2050.
                        •  Transform how we teach Welsh to all learners in order that by 2050
                           at least 70 per cent of those learners report that they can speak
                           Welsh by the time they leave school.
                        •   Increase the number of primary teachers who can teach in Welsh from 2,900 to
                           3,900 by 2031 and 5,200 by 2050; increase the number of secondary teachers who
                           can teach Welsh from 500 to 900 by 2031 and 1,200 by 2050; and increase the
                           number of secondary teachers who can teach through the medium of Welsh from
                           1,800 to 3,200 by 2031 and 4,200 by 2050.
                        •   Reform the post-16 Welsh-medium and bilingual education and skills offer to
                           ensure that young people have the opportunity to continue developing bilingual
                           skills to support a prosperous economy.

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