Page 104 - 《客語及少數族群語言政策》附錄_少數語言法律
P. 104


                        3.  Statutory education

                        We need to increase substantially the number of learners in the statutory education sector
                        who develop Welsh language skills, and ensure that each learner develops skills in Welsh to
                        a standard which will enable them to use the language in their everyday lives.
                        We will move from measuring the demand for Welsh-medium education to growing
                        Welsh-medium education systematically and proactively. In order to see a substantial
                        increase in the number of speakers, concerted action will be required over the next 30 years –
                        and specifically over the next five to ten years – as we build on the foundations.

                        The patterns of Welsh-medium and bilingual provision throughout Wales vary from area to area,
                        and from primary school to secondary school. A number of these differences reflect patterns of
                        language usage in the wider community and others reflect differences in the way in which policies
                        are implemented. Although the education system needs to be sufficiently flexible to reflect the
                        linguistic characteristics of different areas of Wales, it is important that we ensure that education
                        is planned and provided on the basis of a clear understanding of learners’ linguistic outcomes.

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