Page 106 - 《客語及少數族群語言政策》附錄_少數語言法律
P. 106


                        education from 22 per cent (based on seven-year-olds in 2015/16) to 40 per cent by 2050. We will
                        expect local authorities to expand their current Welsh-medium education provision, as well as
                        improve progression rates between different stages of education. We will agree local targets with
                        local authorities to enable them to achieve their individual goals.

                        We will also need to ensure that parents/carers and learners understand the linguistic outcomes
                        of the various models of provision to enable them to make informed choices about education
                        pathways based on an understanding of the relevance of the language to everyday life and to the

                        Our aim: create a statutory education system which
                        increases the number of confident Welsh speakers.

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