Page 121 - 《客語及少數族群語言政策》附錄_少數語言法律
P. 121


                        A key aspect of achieving this aim, as discussed in the previous section, will be to ensure that the
                        Welsh language skills of the workforce are planned strategically.

                        The ‘active offer’ principle is particularly relevant when considering the health and social care
                        sector services. In Wales, the NHS, social services and social care is delivered by nearly 200,000
                        staff, and in the NHS alone, patients interact with the service 20 million times a year.
                        The extent of the challenge this involves cannot be underestimated. However, in view of the number
                        of staff and high level of interaction with the public, this sector has the potential to make a
                        valuable contribution to our aim.

                        Our aim: increase the range of services offered to Welsh
                        speakers, and an increase in use of Welsh-language


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