Page 122 - 《客語及少數族群語言政策》附錄_少數語言法律
P. 122


                        8.  Social use of Welsh

                        Language use practices

                        Embedding language use practices from an early age is important. Under Theme 1 of this
                        strategy we mention the importance of language transmission from one generation to the next as a
                        means of sustaining and increasing the number of speakers.  Enabling families to use Welsh
                        socially reinforces what happens in the home, and expands the contexts in which children regard
                        the Welsh language as a relevant part of their everyday life.

                        Usage within the family unit is a way of embedding positive practices and attitudes, but with
                        many children’s initial contact with the language occurring through childcare, early years
                        provision or at primary school, these settings become all-important for the acquisition of robust
                        linguistic practices.
                        The evaluation of our Welsh-medium Education Strategy provided some indication of the
                        challenges involved in ensuring that learners, in particular those acquiring Welsh solely or mainly
                        through education, develop and use their skills in a wide range of settings beyond the

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