Page 161 - 《客語及少數族群語言政策》附錄_少數語言法律
P. 161

ETS 148 – Regional or Minority Languages, 5.XI.1992

                  3   The Parties undertake to make appropriate provision, in pursuing their cultural policy abroad, for regional
                      or minority languages and the cultures they reflect.

              Article 13 – Economic and social life

                  1   With regard to economic and social activities, the Parties undertake, within the whole country:

                      a    to eliminate from their legislation any provision prohibiting or limiting without justifiable reasons
                           the  use  of  regional  or  minority  languages  in  documents  relating  to  economic  or  social  life,
                           particularly contracts of employment, and in technical documents such as instructions for the use of
                           products or installations;

                      b    to  prohibit  the  insertion  in  internal  regulations  of  companies  and  private  documents  of any
                           clauses excluding or restricting the use of regional or minority languages, at least between users of
                           the same language;

                      c    to oppose practices designed to discourage the use of regional or minority languages in connection
                           with economic or social activities;

                      d    to facilitate and/or encourage the use of regional or minority languages by means other than those
                           specified in the above sub-paragraphs.

                  2   With regard to economic and social activities, the Parties undertake, in so far as the public authorities are
                      competent, within the territory in which the regional or minority languages are used, and as far as this is
                      reasonably possible:

                      a    to include in their financial and banking regulations provisions which allow, by means of procedures
                           compatible  with commercial  practice, the use of regional  or minority  languages in drawing up
                           payment orders (cheques, drafts, etc.) or other financial documents, or, where appropriate, to ensure
                           the implementation of such provisions;

                      b    in the economic and social sectors directly under their control (public sector), to organise activities
                           to promote the use of regional or minority languages;

                      c    to  ensure  that  social  care  facilities  such  as  hospitals,  retirement  homes  and  hostels  offer  the
                           possibility of receiving and treating in their own language persons using a regional or minority
                           language who are in need of care on grounds of ill-health, old age or for other reasons;

                      d    to ensure by appropriate means that safety instructions are also drawn up in regional or minority

                      e    to arrange for information provided by the competent public authorities concerning the rights of
                           consumers to be made available in regional or minority languages.

              Article 14 – Transfrontier exchanges

                      The Parties undertake:

                      a    to apply existing bilateral and multilateral agreements which bind them with the States in which the
                           same  language  is  used  in  identical  or  similar  form,  or  if  necessary  to  seek  to  conclude  such
                           agreements, in such a way as to foster contacts between the users of the same language in the States
                           concerned  in  the  fields  of  culture,  education,  information,  vocational  training  and  permanent

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