Page 162 - 《客語及少數族群語言政策》附錄_少數語言法律
P. 162

ETS 148 – Regional or Minority Languages, 5.XI.1992

                      b    for the benefit of regional or minority languages, to facilitate and/ or promote co-operation across
                           borders, in particular between regional or local authorities in whose territory the same language is
                           used in identical or similar form.

       Part IV – Application of the Charter Article 15 –

              Periodical reports

                  1   The Parties shall present periodically to the Secretary General of the Council of Europe, in a form to be
                      prescribed by the Committee of Ministers, a report on their policy pursued in accordance with Part II of
                      this Charter and on the measures taken in application of those provisions of Part III which they have
                      accepted. The first report shall be presented within the year following the entry into force of the Charter
                      with respect to the Party concerned, the other reports at three-yearly intervals after the first report.

                  2   The Parties shall make their reports public.

              Article 16 – Examination of the reports

                  1   The  reports  presented  to  the  Secretary  General  of  the  Council  of  Europe  under  Article  15 shall be
                      examined by a committee of experts constituted in accordance with Article 17.

                  2   Bodies or associations legally established in a Party may draw the attention of the committee of experts
                      to matters relating to the undertakings entered into by that Party under Part III of this Charter. After
                      consulting the Party concerned, the committee of experts may take account of this information in the
                      preparation of the report specified in paragraph 3 below. These bodies or associations can furthermore
                      submit statements concerning the policy pursued by a Party in accordance with Part II.

                  3   On the basis of the reports specified in paragraph 1 and the information mentioned in paragraph 2, the
                      committee  of  experts  shall  prepare  a  report  for  the  Committee  of  Ministers.  This  report  shall  be
                      accompanied by the comments which the Parties have been requested to make and may be made public
                      by the Committee of Ministers.

                  4   The report specified in paragraph 3 shall contain in particular the proposals of the committee of experts
                      to the Committee of Ministers for the preparation of such recommendations of the latter body to one or
                      more of the Parties as may be required.

                  5   The  Secretary  General  of  the  Council  of  Europe  shall  make  a  two-yearly  detailed  report  to  the
                      Parliamentary Assembly on the application of the Charter.

              Article 17 – Committee of experts

                  1   The committee of experts shall be composed of one member per Party, appointed by the Committee  of
                      Ministers  from  a  list  of  individuals  of  the  highest  integrity  and  recognised competence in the
                      matters dealt with in the Charter, who shall be nominated by the Party concerned.

                  2   Members  of  the  committee  shall  be  appointed  for  a  period  of  six  years  and  shall  be  eligible  for
                      reappointment. A member who is unable to complete a term of office shall be replaced in accordance
                      with the procedure laid down in paragraph 1, and the replacing member shall complete his predecessor's
                      term of office.

                  3   The committee of experts shall adopt rules of procedure. Its secretarial services shall be provided by the
                      Secretary General of the Council of Europe.

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