Page 171 - 《客語及少數族群語言政策》附錄_少數語言法律
P. 171

Section  19    —  Right  to  interpretation

           When  the  Sámi language  is  being used  in  the  oral hearing of a  matter in accordance  with  this  Act,  the
           matter  shall be  assigned  to  an  official with
           knowledge of the Sámi language. If the authority does not have an official  with  knowledge  of  the  Sámi
           language  to  take  care  of  the  matter, the authority shall arrange for interpretation free of charge, or
           self see to the interpretation.
           Section      20   — Right  to  a  translation  o  f  a  document containing  a  decision  or another document
           If an application for a summons,  a judgment, a decision, a record or another document in an
           administrative matter, a   matter of administrative judicial procedure, or a criminal matter has been
           drafted in Finnish or Swedish, the  authority  shall  on request,  free of charge, give a Sámi  party  to
           the matter  an official translation into the Sámi language  of  such  a document  in so far as the  matter
           relates to his or
           her rights, interests  or obligations, except if the document is manifestly irrelevant to the resolution of the
           matter. The translation shall be attached to the  document containing a decision  or other document.

           If a translation error is noted in an official translation, the authority shall correct it unless its correction is
           manifestly unnecessary.  In such  a case  the  Sámi  party  shall  be given the  corrected document  free of

           Section  21    — Right  to  a  translation  from  the  Sámi Language  Bureau
           An  authority,  which  in  accordance  with  this  Act  is  to issue  a  document containing  a decision as an
           official  translation  into the  Sámi  language
           or as a Sámi-language original, has the right to obtain the translation from the   Sámi   Language
               Bureau,  unless     the  translation   can conveniently be procured  from other sources. The
           authority  has the
           corresponding  right to a translation into Finnish of a Sámi  -language document addressed to it.
           Section  22      —  Liability  for the  costs  of  translation  and  interpretation

           If a  State  authority is  to  give  or  issue  a  document  containing a decision or another  document  to a
           party  as a Sámi language original or as a translation  into  the  Sámi  language,  or  make  use  of
           interpretation,  the
           State  shall  bear  the  costs  of  drafting  or  translating  the  document  or  of the interpretation.

           A municipality, a joint municipal authority, a diocese and a parish shall bear  the  costs of  drafting  or
           translating  a document  containing  a
           decision or another  document  referred to in sections 4–6,  12, 13, 15, 16, and 30,  and of interpretation.
           Section  23      — Procuring  a  translation  at  the  expense  of  the  customer

           If  a  Sámi -language  document  has  been  delivered  to  an  authority  of  the State, a municipality  or a
           joint municipal authority or   to an   ecclesiastical authority    even    though    the    customer    does    not
           have    the right to  use  the  Sámi language  before  the  authority,  the  authority  shall, when necessary,
           hear  the  opinion of  the  customer  and  then  procure  a translation of the document into the language
           of the authority at the expense  of the  customer.

           Chapter 5    — Measures  to  promote  linguistic  rights

           Section  24      — The  obligation  of  an  authority  to  secure  linguistic  rights
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