Page 192 - 《客語及少數族群語言政策》附錄_少數語言法律
P. 192

Section 11

               The language of the public sector is to be cultivated, simple and

               Section 12

               Government agencies have a special responsibility for ensuring that
               Swedish terminology in their various areas of expertise is accessible, and
               that it is used and developed.

               Swedish in international contexts

               Section 13

               Swedish is the official language of Sweden in international contexts.

               The status of Swedish as an official EU language is to be safeguarded.

               Individuals’ access to language

               Section 14

               All residents of Sweden are to be given the opportunity to learn, develop
               and use Swedish. In addition

               1. persons belonging to a national minority are to be given the
               opportunity to learn, develop and use the minority language, and

               2. persons who are deaf or hard of hearing, and persons who, for other
               reasons, require sign language, are to be given the opportunity to learn,
               develop and use Swedish sign language.

               Persons whose mother tongue is not one of the languages specified in
               the first paragraph are to be given the opportunity to develop and use
               their mother tongue.

               Section 15
               The public sector is responsible for ensuring that the individual is given
               access to language in accordance with Section 14.

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