Page 195 - 《客語及少數族群語言政策》附錄_少數語言法律
P. 195

2022/4/28  下午 4:50    Gesetz über die Ausgestaltung der Rechte der Sorben/Wenden im Land Brandenburg (Sorben/Wenden-Gesetz - SWG)
              Taking into account the fact that the Federal Republic of Germany is the mother state of the
              Sorbs/Wends, has recognized them as citizens with equal rights and takes care of the
              preservation, promotion and further development of their languages and culture,

              Aware that the country has a special responsibility for the protection, preservation,
              maintenance and promotion of the national identity of the Sorbs/Wends,

              in an effort to work closely with the Free State of Saxony in this regard,

              in the interest of preserving and strengthening the unique German-Sorbian/Wendish bicultural
              character of Lusatia,

              Recognizing that the right of the Sorbs/Wends to their national identity as well as the granting
              of the totality of minority rights are part of universal human rights and freedoms,

              taking into account the international obligations entered into by the Federal Republic of
              Germany for the protection and promotion of national minorities, in particular the Charter of
              Fundamental Rights of the European Union, the anti-discrimination directives of the European

              Union as well as the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities and the
              European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages,

              With reference to Article 3 of the Basic Law, to Protocol Note No. 14 to Article 35 of the
              Unification Treaty and in execution of Article 25 of the Constitution of the State of Brandenburg

        the Landtag passes the following law:

                                                             § 1
                                                  Right to national identity

        (1)  The citizens of Sorbian/Wendish ethnicity living in the state of Brandenburg are an equal part of
        the state people.

        (2)  The Sorbian/Wendish people and every Sorbian/Wend have the right to freely express, preserve
        and develop their ethnic, cultural and linguistic identity, free from any attempts to be assimilated
        against their will.

        (3)  The Sorbian/Wendish people and every Sorbian/Wend have the right to protect, preserve and
        maintain their national identity. The state, municipalities and municipal associations in the ancestral
        settlement area of the Sorbs/Wends guarantee this right and promote conditions that enable citizens

        of Sorbian/Wendish ethnicity to preserve and develop their languages and traditions as well as their
        cultural heritage. The effective political participation of the Sorbian/Wendish people is to be ensured.

                                                             § 2
                                                  Sorbian/Wendish ethnicity

        To the Sorbian/Wendish people belong those who profess them. The confession is free and may not

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