Page 198 - 《客語及少數族群語言政策》附錄_少數語言法律
P. 198

2022/4/28  下午 4:50    Gesetz über die Ausgestaltung der Rechte der Sorben/Wenden im Land Brandenburg (Sorben/Wenden-Gesetz - SWG)
        elected. In the event of a tie, the election officer shall cast the deciding vote by drawing lots. The

        necessary material costs for the preparation and implementation of the election are borne by the
        state of Brandenburg. The member of the Land Government responsible for the Interior shall be
        authorized, after hearing the Council for Sorbs/Wends Affairs and in consultation with the Main
        Committee of the Landtag, to regulate the details, in particular with regard to the formation of the

        electoral bodies, eligibility to vote, electoral roll, fixing of the election date, eligibility to nominate
        candidates within the meaning of sentence 5, admission of nominations, preparation and conduct of
        the election, and reimbursement of costs within the meaning of sentence 11, by statutory order.

        (3)  The Council for Sorbs/Wends Affairs advises the Landtag. It has the task of protecting the
        interests of the Sorbs/Wends in all matters of consultation through which the rights of the
        Sorbs/Wends may be affected. For this purpose, it shall be heard by the Landtag. Members of the

        Council have an advisory vote in the committees for corresponding items of deliberation. Further
        details shall be regulated by the Rules of Procedure of the Landtag.

        (4)  The members of the Council shall perform their duties on an honorary basis. They receive an

        expense allowance for their work. The details are regulated by a directive of the Presidium of the
        Landtag. The expense allowance pursuant to sentence 2 may also include the reimbursement of
        travel expenses for travel outside the State of Brandenburg, provided that the travel is related to the
        Council's activities at national or European level.

                                                            § 5a
                                Commissioner for Sorbs/Wends Affairs at the State Government

        The state government appoints a commissioner for the affairs of the Sorbs/Wends. She or he

        supports the coordination of the ministries in all issues concerning the Sorbs/Wends.

                                                            § 5b
                                               Report of the state government

        The state government shall report to the Landtag in the middle of the legislative period on the
        situation of the Sorbian/Wendish people in the state, taking into account the international obligations
        to protect the Sorbian/Wendish language and culture. The report includes an inventory, analyzes
        the effectiveness of the promotion of Sorbian/Wendish language and culture and makes statements

        on projects of the state government.

                                                             § 6
                                  Commissioner for Sorbs/Wends Affairs at the Municipalities

        (1)  Each district in the ancestral settlement area as well as the independent city of
        Cottbus/Chóśebuz shall have a full-time commissioner for Sorbs/Wends affairs and shall take other
        appropriate measures within the framework of local self-government to safeguard the interests of
        the Sorbs/Wends.

        (2)  In the offices, the independent towns and municipalities as well as in the municipalities in the
        traditional settlement area, a representative for Sorbs/Wends affairs should be appointed within the
        framework of municipal self-administration or other suitable measures should be taken to safeguard

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