Page 50 - 《客語及少數族群語言政策》附錄_少數語言法律
P. 50

(chapter VI). Thus it follows the structure of Act 7 of 1983, to which chapters specifically concerning names and
           socio-economic activity have been added.

           Preliminary Chapter. General Principles

           Article 1

           The object of this Act

           1. The object of this Act is to develop article 3 of the Statute of Autonomy of Catalonia, in order to protect, promote
           and normalise the use of Catalan in all fields, and the use of Aranese in the Aran valley, and to guarantee the normal
           and official use of Catalan and Castilian.
           2. The main aims of this Act are:
           a) To protect and promote the use of Catalan by all citizens.
           b) To provide effectiveness in the use of Catalan and Castilian, without any citizens being discriminated against.
           c) To promote the normal use of Catalan in administration, education, mass media, cultural industries and in the
           socio-economic world.
           d) To ensure that proficiency in Catalan spreads to all citizens.

           3. A further aim of this Act is to reach equality regarding the linguistic rights and duties of citizens, promoting
           whatever actions are needed and removing the obstacles that at present make this difficult.

           Article 2

           Catalonia's own language

           1. Catalan is Catalonia's own language and distinguishes it as a people.
           2. Catalan, as Catalonia's own language, is:
           a) The language of all institutions of Catalonia, and particularly of the Administration of the Generalitat, local
           authorities, and public corporations, companies and public services, institutional media, education and place
           b) The language preferentially used by the State Administration in Catalonia in the manner that it lays down, by the
           other institutions and, generally, by companies and entities offering services to the public.
           3. That set forth in para 2 implies a special commitment by the institutions to promote the knowledge and use
           among citizens, without detriment to the official nature of Catalan and Castilian.

           Article 3

           Official languages
           1. Catalan is the official language of Catalonia, as is Castilian as well.
           2. Catalan and Castilian, as official languages, may be used indiscriminately by citizens in all private and public
           activities without exception. Legal procedures carried out in either of the two official languages have, as far as the
           language used is concerned, full validity and effect.

           Article 4

           Linguistic rights

           1. In accordance with article 3 of the Statute of Autonomy, and within the context of an active policy by the
           Generalitat to create a situation which allows linguistic rights and duties to reach full equality, everyone in
           Catalonia is entitled:
           a) To be proficient in both official languages.
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