Page 52 - 《客語及少數族群語言政策》附錄_少數語言法律
P. 52

The language of the Catalan Authorities

           1. The Generalitat, local authorities and other public corporations of Catalonia, institutions and the licensed services and
           companies that they are responsible for shall use Catalan in their internal procedures and in relations between each other. They
           shall also normally use it in their communications and notifications addressed to individuals or companies residing within the
           Catalan linguistic area, without detriment to the right of citizens to receive them in Castilian on request.

           2. The government of the Generalitat shall regulate, by means of statutes provisions, the use of Catalan in the administrative
           activities of all bodies under its authority.
           3. Local corporations and universities shall regulate the use of Catalan in the field of their respective responsibilities, as laid
           down in para 1. All other public corporations shall also likewise regulate it.

           Article 10

           Administrative procedures

           1. In administrative procedures carried out by the Generalitat Authorities, by local authorities and by the other corporations of
           Catalonia, Catalan shall be used, without detriment to the right of citizens to submit documents, make statements and, on request,
           to receive notifications in Castilian.

           2. The Authorities shall deliver a translated certificate of whatever affects them in the official language requested by the
           individuals involved. The request for translation shall not imply any handicap or expense to the applicant or any delay in the
           procedure or the suspension of the procedure and the stipulated time spans.

           Article 11

           The linguistic ability of the staff in the service of the of Catalonia

           1. The staff in the service of the authorities, corporations or public institutions of Catalonia shall have a sufficient and
           appropriate command of the two official languages, both in verbal and written communication, so that they can adequately carry
           out the duties assigned to their post.

           2. In order for what is laid down in para 1 to be valid, the Government of the Generalitat shall guarantee the teaching of Catalan
           to the staff in the service of the Generalitat, local authorities, public universities and the judicial authorities of Catalonia and
           promote measures to recycle such staff.

           3. In recruiting staff to cover posts in the Generalitat, local authorities and university administration and services, including staff
           on contract, Catalan proficiency, both oral and written, shall be at a level appropriate for the duties of the position to be filled in
           the terms established by legislation for public service.

           Article 12

           State Authorities

           1. Administrative procedures carried out in Catalonia by the bodies and entities of the State Authorities, both verbally and in
           writing, in either of the official languages, are valid, without requiring translation.
           2. Everyone is entitled to communicate with and to be served by the State Authorities in Catalonia, verbally or in writing, in the
           official language of their choice, and cannot be required to provide any kind of translation.

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