Page 53 - 《客語及少數族群語言政策》附錄_少數語言法律
P. 53

Article 13

           Judicial proceedings
           1. Judicial proceedings are valid, whether verbal or in writing, whichever of the two official languages they are carried out in,
           without requiring a translation thereof.

           2. Everyone is entitled to communicate with the Judicial Authorities, verbally or in writing, in the official language of their
           choice and to be served by them, and cannot be required to provide any kind of translation.

           3. On request, everyone may receive certificates of rulings and decision procedures affecting them in the official language they
           require, with no delay due to language.

           4. That set forth in paras 1, 2 and 3 is also applicable to the ecclesiastical and arbitration courts.
           5. In the provision for staff placements in the service of the judicial authorities responsible for which the Generalitat is, what is
           laid down in article 11 shall be applicable, in accordance with the specific relevant regulations, in the terms laid down by

           Article 14

           Public documents
           1. Public documents drawn up in either of the official languages shall be valid.

           2. The public documents shall be drawn up in the official language chosen by the grantor, or should there be more than one, in
           the language they agree upon. Should no agreement be reached regarding the language, the deed or document shall be drawn up
           in both official languages.

           3. Prior to drawing up the document, the grantors shall be specifically asked which language they choose; under no
           circumstances may the choice of one or other result in a delay in drawing up and authorising the document. Should no specific
           language be chosen, the document shall be drawn up in Catalan.

           4. Public commissioners of oaths shall deliver the copies and certificates in either Castilian or Catalan, in whichever language
           those involved require, and they shall provide translations, under their responsibility and when appropriate, of the documents and
           original texts. The fact that the original text and the copies thereof are translated shall be recorded in the margin and in a
           footnote, but legal recording of this fact is not required.

           5. The offices of public commissioners of oaths shall be in a position to serve citizens in either of the two languages and they
           must have staff who have an adequate and sufficient knowledge of them both to perform the duties related to their job task.
           Article 15

           Civil and commercial documents

           1. The choice of language is not a formal requirement for private documents. Documents drawn up in either of the languages
           shall therefore be valid, without detriment to the translations that civil, commercial or litigation laws may require, if the language
           used is not official in Catalonia.

           2. Private documents, whether contractual or not, whatever their nature may be, drawn up in either of the two official languages
           of Catalonia shall be valid and do not need any translation for their fulfilment in or out of court, within Catalan territory.

           3. The documents to which para 2 refers to shall be drawn up in the official language both parties agree upon. Nevertheless,
           should it be a standard form contract, a regulated contract, a contract with standard clauses or one with general conditions, it

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