Page 137 - 《客語及少數族群語言政策》附錄_少數語言法律
P. 137


                        12.  Digital technology

                        Digital technology has transformed the way we live our lives, and will continue to do so in future
                        over the lifespan of this strategy. While we do not know how technology will develop in future, it
                        is clear that the way we communicate with one another will continue to change. This presents
                        challenges as well as opportunities for minority languages.

                        It is therefore vitally important to invest in technological developments in order to ensure that it is
                        possible to use the Welsh language in as many contexts as possible, through voice as well as the
                        keyboard. In the future, we should concentrate on investing in language technology infrastructure
                        on a large scale, such as Welsh language speech-to-text technology and the ability to translate with

                        This calls for renewing our efforts to motivate the large companies to make better use of Welsh,
                        and support its development. Lobbying and close working with international corporations to
                        consider and provide for the Welsh language will also be central to our vision.

                        We hardly need to mention the importance of technology as it is such an integral part of
                        everything we do. So when we mention educational resources, for example, digital resources are part
                        of the picture. The

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