Page 142 - 《客語及少數族群語言政策》附錄_少數語言法律
P. 142


                        14.  Language planning

                        Many of the interventions discussed in this strategy require understanding of language
                        planning at various levels. To plan and act effectively on a local, regional and national level, we
                        need creative and talented people in the right places, with an understanding of the theory and
                        principles of language planning, to drive things forward.

                        Language planners already exist in many different places, such as various public bodies, in
                        academia or grassroots institutions. It is possible that others do not consider themselves as
                        language planners, but that they have an understanding and influence to make a difference.

                        Leaders are vitally important in this scenario. They have an integral role in engendering an
                        environment where the use of Welsh is encouraged on all levels, politically, as well as within
                        communities, public services, the workplace and the economy. Strong leadership is also important
                        to drive the strategy forward and to foster new partnerships.

                        Effective language planning requires an understanding of the different circumstances that exist
                        in different parts of Wales and to plan interventions accordingly.

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