Page 144 - 《客語及少數族群語言政策》附錄_少數語言法律
P. 144


                        15.  Evaluation and research

                        If the strategy’s objectives are to be realised, we will need a firm evidence base and a commitment
                        to evaluate the effectiveness of programmes and interventions delivered in its name. We will
                        develop an evaluation and research programme as a basis for this. Since the Welsh Language Strategy
                        Evaluation Framework (2013) was published, we have been looking at ways of measuring the effect
                        of our strategy on the Welsh language, and have added to our evidence base. We will continue with
                        this work by considering, as programmes are being planned, the most appropriate methods of
                        evaluating their effect. Our research programme will also mean continuing to identify and fill the
                        gaps in our statistical information regarding the Welsh language and speakers.

                        To support our aim of improving our understanding of speakers’ linguistic experiences
                        during their lifetime, our research programme will pay particular attention to collecting and
                        analysing data about individuals over time. By combining qualitative and quantitative data
                        we aim to enhance our understanding of speakers’ linguistic experiences and practices as
                        they move through different periods of their lives, with this, in turn enabling us to develop
                        meaningful and
                        robust policies. We will also need to ensure that we continue to collect

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