Page 177 - 《客語及少數族群語言政策》附錄_少數語言法律
P. 177

2022/4/28  下午                                         The Sámi Act -

             § 1-6. The Sami flag

             The Sami flag is the flag adopted at the 13th Nordic Sami Conference on 15
             August 1986.

             The Sameting may issue regulations prescribing further rules for how the flag is to

             be used.

             Chapter 2. The Sameting.

             § 2-1. The business and authority of the Sameting.

             The business of the Sameting is any matter that in the view of the parliament

             particularly affects the Sami people.

             The Sameting may on its own initiative raise and pronounce an opinion on any

             matter coming within the scope of its business. It may also on its own initiative
             refer matters to public authorities and private institutions, etc.

             The Sameting may delegate authority to administer the allocations granted for

             the purposes of the Sami people over the annual fiscal budget. The Ministry will
             lay down rules for the financial management of the Sameting.

             The Sameting has the power of decision when this follows from other provisions in
             the Act or is otherwise laid down.

             § 2-2. Seeking the view of the Sameting.

             Other public bodies should give the Sameting an opportunity to express an
             opinion before they make decisions on matters coming within the scope of the

             business of the Sameting.

             § 2-3. Method of election, time of election and electoral term.

             Election to the Sameting is by direct ballot.

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