Page 180 - 《客語及少數族群語言政策》附錄_少數語言法律
P. 180

2022/4/28  下午                                         The Sámi Act -

             The Sami electoral register is drawn up on the basis of the national population

             register in the municipality, the register of Sami electors at the time of the last
             election and the demands for inclusion or deletion received during the electoral

             When a person has been included in the Sami electoral register, this may be
             registered in the national population register. Such registration shall only be

             accessible to the authority responsible for holding elections to the Sameting, or
             with the consent of the Ministry.

             The Sami electoral register may be kept by electronic means.

             § 2-7. Eligibility for election and right to propose candidates.

             All persons who are included in the Sami electoral register in the constituency are

             eligible for election to the Sameting. Those standing for election must also be
             included in the national population register as being resident in the constituency on
             polling day. Administrative staff of the Sameting are not however eligible for


             All persons who are included in the Sami electoral register in the constituency

             have the right to propose candidates in the constituency. A proposal for a list of
             candidates must be signed by at least 15 Sami having the right of proposal.

             A group, party or similar association may apply to the Sameting for registration

             under a specified party name. The request for registration shall be supported by
             the signatures of at least 200 persons who are entitled to vote and propose

             candidates in elections to the Sameting. Decisions regarding registration may not be
             appealed. The King may lay down further provisions regarding the conditions and
             procedure for registration.

             § 2-8. Obligation to accept election, grounds for exemption and obligation to
             attend meetings.

             All those who are eligible for election to the Sameting are under an obligation to
             accept election unless they are exempted in accordance with the provisions of the
             second paragraph.

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