Page 185 - 《客語及少數族群語言政策》附錄_少數語言法律
P. 185

2022/4/28  下午                                         The Sámi Act -

               1.  Any person has a right to speak Sami during interviews in the body’s office.

               2.  Any person has a right to use Sami when making a formal complaint orally or
               giving oral notice of seeking a judicial remedy.

             Prison institutions in Troms and Finnmark shall also be subject to the following

             rules regarding the use of Sami:

               1.  Section 3-5 applies correspondingly to prison inmates.

               2.  Prison inmates are entitled to speak Sami to each other and to their relatives.

               3.  Prison inmates are entitled to speak Sami when giving oral notice of seeking a
               judicial remedy to the prison authorities.

             § 3-5. Extended right to use Sami in the health and social sector.

             Any person wishing to use Sami in order to protect his or her own interests vis- à-
             vis  local  and  regional  public  health  and  social  institutions  in  the  administrative

             district is entitled to be served in Sami.

             § 3-6. Individual church services.

             Any person is entitled to receive individual church services in Sami in the Church of
             Norway’s congregations in the administrative district.

             § 3-7.  Right to leave of absence for educational purposes.

             Employees in a local or regional public body in the administrative district are

             entitled to leave with pay in order to acquire a knowledge of Sami when the said
             body is in need of such knowledge. This right may be made contingent on the
             employee undertaking to work for the said body for a specified period after

             completing the training. The King may issue further rules regarding the
             implementation of these provisions.

             § 3-8.  Right to tuition in Sami.

             Any person is entitled to receive tuition in Sami. The King may issue further rules
             regarding the implementation of this provision.

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