Page 181 - 《客語及少數族群語言政策》附錄_少數語言法律
P. 181

2022/4/28  下午                                         The Sámi Act -

             The right to claim exemption from election may be exercised by all those who

               a. have reached the age of sixty years by the end of the election year, or

               b. have served as members of the Sameting during the last four years, or

               c. prove to the Sami electoral board in the constituency that they will not be able
               to fulfil their obligations as members of the Sameting without undue difficulty.

             Any person who is elected as a member of the Sameting or a body appointed by
             the Sameting is under an obligation to participate in meetings of the Sameting or

             the respective body unless he or she has a valid reason for not attending.

             Employees are entitled to take leave from work to the extent necessitated by their
             obligations in the Sameting or in the body to which the persons concerned have

             been appointed as a member.

             § 2-9. Exemption and retirement during the electoral term.

             Members of the Sameting who are unable to fulfil the obligations of their office
             without undue difficulty may on application be relieved of their office by the
             Sameting for a specified period of time or for the rest of the electoral term.

             Members who lose the right to vote pursuant to Article 53 of the Constitution, or
             who join the administrative staff of the Sameting, shall retire from the Sameting

             for the rest of the electoral term..

             § 2-10. Electoral authority.

             The Sameting is the highest electoral authority at elections to the Sameting.

             § 2-11. Supplementary electoral provisions.

             The King may issue supplementary provisions concerning elections to the Sameting.

             § 2-12. The administration, organization and procedures of the Sameting.

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