Page 182 - 《客語及少數族群語言政策》附錄_少數語言法律
P. 182

2022/4/28  下午                                         The Sámi Act -

             The Sameting is to have its own administration. Administrative staff are to be

             appointed by the Sameting.

             The employees of the Sameting shall be subject to the legislation that applies to
             civil servants insofar as this is appropriate.

             The Sameting may establish any boards, councils or committees that it may find
             appropriate and, unless otherwise provided, delegate authority to them.

             The power of decision pursuant to sections 2-9, 2-10 and 2-14 may not be


             Individual decisions made by a board, council or committee appointed by the

             Sameting may, in accordance with the provisions of the Public Administration
             Act, be appealed to the Sameting or to a special appeals board appointed by the


             § 2-13. Language used in proceedings.

             At meetings of the Sameting all persons have the right to speak Sami or
             Norwegian as they wish.

             § 2-14. Rules of procedure.

             The Sameting will issue rules concerning the summoning and order of business of

             the Sameting.

             § 2-15. Full-time members of the Sameting are entitled to a pension in
             accordance with a separate pension scheme. The King may issue

             regulations providing that other members of the Sameting are also entitled to
             a pension.

             The King may issue further regulations relating to the calculation of pension rights
             and the implementation of the pension scheme.

             Chapter 3. The Sami language.

             § 3-1.  Definitions.

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