Page 186 - 《客語及少數族群語言政策》附錄_少數語言法律
P. 186

2022/4/28  下午                                         The Sámi Act -

             As regards tuition in and through the medium of Sami in primary and secondary

             school, the provisions made in and pursuant to the Act relating to Primary and
             Lower Secondary Education and the Act relating to Upper Secondary Education shall

             § 3-9.  The Sami language in the municipal administration.

             The municipal council may decide that Sami shall have the same status as

             Norwegian in all or parts of the municipal administration.

             § 3-10.  Extension of the scope of these provisions.

             The King may decide that the provisions of this chapter which are limited to local or

             regional public bodies in the administrative district shall wholly or partly also apply
             to other public bodies or to private legal persons when they make
             decisions on behalf of the State or a municipality.

             § 3-11. Appeal.

             If a public body does not comply with the provisions of this chapter, the person
             directly concerned by the case may appeal to the body that is immediately

             superior to the body which the appeal concerns. The county governor is the
             appeal body when the appeal concerns municipal or county municipal bodies.

             Nation-wide Sami organisations and national public bodies which have functions of
             particular importance for all or parts of the Sami population have the right to
             appeal in such cases. The same applies in cases where no individual person is

             particularly affected.

             § 3-12. The Sami Language Council

             A Sami Language Council has been established. The Sameting appoints the
             members of the council and determines who is to be the chairman and vice-
             chairman of the council.

             The King will issue further rules regarding the composition, organisation, term of
             office, functions, etc. of the council.

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