Page 231 - 《客語及少數族群語言政策》附錄_少數語言法律
P. 231


             3 The decision as to whether an amendment is admissible shall be made by the Constitutional Court at the request
             of the State Government or of one-fourth of the members of the Landtag.
             (2)  A law amending the Constitution shall require the consent of two-thirds of the members of the Landtag.
             (3)  The Constitution may be amended by referendum if more than half of the members of the Landtag so request.
             2 It may also be amended by referendum in accordance with Article 72.  The law amending the Constitution shall
             be adopted if the majority of those entitled to vote approve it.

                                                        Article 75
                                       [Legal ordinances, administrative regulations]

             (1)  The authorization to issue legal ordinances may only be granted by law.  The content, purpose and extent of
             the authorization granted must be determined.  The legal basis shall be specified in the regulation.
             (2)  The general administrative regulations necessary for the execution of the laws shall be issued by the State
             Government, unless the laws provide otherwise.

                                                        Article 76
                                 [Execution, promulgation, entry into force of legal norms]

             (1)  The constitutionally adopted laws shall be executed by the President of the Landtag after countersignature by
             the Prime Minister and the competent Minister of State and shall be promulgated by the Prime Minister within one
             month in the Law and Ordinance Gazette of the Free State of Saxony.  If the Landtag decides on urgency, they
             must be executed and promulgated without delay.
             (2)  Statutory ordinances shall be issued by the body issuing them, such ordinances of the State Government by
             the Minister President and the competent State Ministers, and, unless otherwise provided by law, shall be
             promulgated in the Gazette of Laws and Ordinances of the Free State of Saxony.
             (3)  Laws and legal regulations shall determine the day on which they come into force.  In the absence of such
             provision, they shall enter into force on the fourteenth day following the day on which the Gazette of Laws and
             Ordinances has been issued.

                                                       6.  Section

                                                        Article 77
                                     [Courts, judicial independence, honorary judges]
             (1)  Jurisdiction shall be exercised on behalf of the people by the Constitutional Court and the courts established in
             accordance with the laws of the Federation and the Free State.
             (2)  Judges are independent and subject only to the law.
             (3)  Women and men from among the people shall participate in the administration of justice in accordance with
                the law.

                                                        Article 78
                                         [Legally designated judge, legal hearing]

             (1)  No one shall be deprived of his lawful judge.  Courts of exception are inadmissible.
             (2)  Every person has the right to be heard in court.
             (3)  Everyone has the right to a fair, speedy and public trial and the right to a defense.  The public may be
             excluded only as provided by law.

                                                        Article 79
                                                 [Legal status of judges]
             (1)  Judges employed on a full-time and scheduled basis for a definite period of time may be dismissed or
             permanently or temporarily removed from office or transferred to another position or retired against their will only
             by virtue of a judicial decision and only for reasons and in the forms determined by the laws.  By law, age limits
             may be set at which judges employed for life shall retire.  In the event of a change in the establishment of the
             courts or their districts, judges may be transferred to another court or removed from office, but only with retention
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