Page 229 - 《客語及少數族群語言政策》附錄_少數語言法律
P. 229


            the affirmation "So help me God".

                                                        Article 62
                            [Legal status of members of the state government, incompatibilities]

             (1)  The official relationship of the members of the State Government, in particular their remuneration and
             pensions, shall be regulated by law.
             (2)  Members of the state government may not hold any other salaried office, profession, or trade.  They may not
             be members of the supervisory board or the management board of a private acquisition company.  An exception
             exists for companies in which the predominant influence of the state is ensured.  The state government shall notify
             the Landtag of any assumption of a function pursuant to sentence 3.  Further exceptions may be permitted by the
             state government with the consent of the Landtag.

                                                        Article 63
                                     [Directive competence, departmental sovereignty]
             (1)  The prime minister sets the policy guidelines and bears responsibility for them.
             (2)  Within the guidelines of the policy, each Minister of State manages his or her portfolio independently under his
             or her own responsibility.

                                                        Article 64
                                          [Responsibilities, Rules of Procedure]
             (1)  In particular, the State Government shall decide on bills, on the voting of the Free State in the Bundesrat, on
             matters where the Constitution or a law so prescribes, on disagreements affecting the business of several State
             Ministries, and on matters of fundamental or far-reaching importance.
             (2)  The state government shall adopt rules of procedure.

                                                        Article 65
                                [Representation of the country, conclusion of state treaties]

             (1)  The prime minister represents the country externally.
             (2)  The conclusion of state treaties requires the consent of the state government and the Landtag.

                                                        Article 66
                                                  [Right of appointment]

            1 The Prime Minister appoints and dismisses the judges and civil servants of the Free State.  This right may be
            transferred to other state authorities by or pursuant to a law.

                                                        Article 67
                                                    [Right of pardon]

             (1)  The Prime Minister shall exercise the right of pardon.  He may, except in serious cases, delegate this right to
             other state authorities with the consent of the state government.
             (2)  A general remission of punishment and a general suppression of pending criminal proceedings may be
             pronounced only by law.

                                                        Article 68
                                [Resignation, Termination of Office, Executive Government]

             (1)  The state government and any of its members may resign at any time.
             (2)  The office of the Prime Minister and the other members of the State Government shall terminate upon the
             convening of a new Diet, and the office of a Minister of State and a Secretary of State shall also terminate upon
             any other completion of the office of the Prime Minister.
             (3)  In the event of resignation or other termination of office, the members of the state government shall continue to
             perform the duties of office until their successors take office.

                                                        Article 69

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