Page 226 - 《客語及少數族群語言政策》附錄_少數語言法律
P. 226


             (2) An appeal against the decision may be lodged with the Constitutional Court.
             (3) The details shall be determined by law.

                                                        Article 46
                                           [Rules of procedure, political groups]
             (1) The Landtag shall adopt its own rules of procedure.
             (2) The Rules of Procedure shall contain provisions on the formation of parliamentary groups.
             (3) The rights of non-attached deputies must not be restricted.
             (4) The amendment of the Rules of Procedure requires a majority of two-thirds of the deputies present.

                                                        Article 47

             (1) The Landtag elects its President and Vice-President, who together with other members form the Presidium,
             and the Secretaries.
             (2) The President shall preside over the proceedings in accordance with the Rules of Procedure.
             (3)  The President shall exercise domestic authority and police power in the building of the Landtag.  No search or
             seizure may take place in the premises of the Landtag without its consent.
             (4)  The President shall manage the economic affairs of the Landtag in accordance with the Budget Law.  He
             represents the Free State within the framework of the administration of the Landtag.  He shall be entitled to hire
             and dismiss employees and workers and, in consultation with the Presidium, to appoint and dismiss officials of the
             Landtag.  The President is the supreme service authority for the officials, employees and workers of the Landtag.

                                                        Article 48
                                      [Negotiations, quorum, passing of resolutions]

             (1)  The proceedings of the Landtag are open to the public.  The public may be excluded if the Landtag so
             decides at the request of twelve deputies or a member of the state government by a majority of two-thirds of the
             deputies present.  The application is decided in closed session.
             (2) The Landtag shall have a quorum unless, at the request of one of its members, which shall be admissible only
             until the beginning of a vote, it is established by the president that less than half of the deputies are present.
             (3)  The Landtag shall pass resolutions by a majority of the votes cast, unless otherwise provided by this
             Constitution.  The Rules of Procedure may allow exceptions for elections to be held by the Landtag.
             (4) No one may be held responsible for truthful reports on the public sessions of the Landtag and its committees.

                                                        Article 49
                                            [Presence of the state government]

             (1) The Landtag and its committees may require the presence of any member of the state government.
             (2)  The members of the state government and their representatives shall have access to the sessions of the
             Landtag and its committees and shall be heard at all times.  They shall be subject to the authority of the president
             and the chairmen of the committees.
             (3)  The members of the state government and their representatives shall have access to non-public meetings of
             the investigative committees, which do not serve the purpose of collecting evidence, only if they have been
             summoned.  They can be heard.  In any case, the investigating committee shall give the state government the
             opportunity to comment on the results of the taking of evidence.  Further restrictions on the right of access of
             members and agents of the state government to meetings of committees of inquiry may be established by law.

                                                        Article 50
                                            [State government's duty to inform]
            The State Government shall be obliged to inform the Landtag of its activities to the extent necessary for the
            performance of its duties.

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