Page 222 - 《客語及少數族群語言政策》附錄_少數語言法律
P. 222


             decision on the order or continuation of deprivation of liberty.

                                                        Article 18
                                                  [Principle of equality]

             (1)  All people are equal before the law.
             (2)  Women and men are equal.
             (3)  No one may be discriminated against or given preferential treatment because of his or her gender, ancestry,
             race, language, home country and origin, faith, religious or political views.

                                                        Article 19
                                        [Freedom of Faith, Conscience and Belief]

             (1)  Freedom of faith, conscience and religious and philosophical belief are inviolable.
             (2)  The undisturbed practice of religion is guaranteed.

                                                        Article 20
                                       [Freedom of speech, press, and broadcasting]

             (1)  Everyone has the right to express and disseminate his or her opinion freely in speech, writing and pictures
             and to obtain information from generally accessible sources without hindrance.  Freedom of the press and
             freedom of reporting by radio and film are guaranteed.  There is no censorship.
             (2)  Without prejudice to the right to operate broadcasting under private ownership, the existence and development
             of public broadcasting shall be guaranteed.
             (3)  These rights find their limits in the provisions of the general laws, the legal provisions for the protection of
             youth and in the right of personal honor.

                                                        Article 21
                                             [Freedom of Arts and Sciences]

            1 Art and science, research and teaching are free.  Freedom of doctrine does not exempt one from fidelity to the

                                                        Article 22
                                            [Protection of Marriage and Family]

             (1)  Marriage and family are under the special protection of the country.
             (2)  Those who raise children in the home or care for those in need deserve support and relief.
             (3)  Care and education of children are the natural right of parents and the duty first incumbent upon them.  The
             country watches over their activity.
             (4)  Children may be separated from the family against the will of the legal guardians only on the basis of a law if
             the legal guardians fail or if the children threaten to become neglected for other reasons.
             (5)  Every mother is entitled to the protection and care of the community.

                                                        Article 23
                                                  [Freedom of assembly]

             (1)  All have the right to assemble peacefully and without weapons without registration or permission.
             (2)  For open-air assemblies, this right may be limited by or pursuant to a law.

                                                        Article 24
                                                 [Freedom of association]

             (1) All citizens have the right to form associations.
             (2) Associations whose purposes or activities are contrary to criminal law or which are directed against the
             constitutional order or against the idea of international understanding shall be prohibited.

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