Page 224 - 《客語及少數族群語言政策》附錄_少數語言法律
P. 224


             (1)  Expropriation is only permissible for the common good.  It may be made only by law or pursuant to a law
             regulating the nature and extent of compensation.
             (2)  Land, natural resources and means of production may be transferred to common ownership or other forms of
             common economy for the purpose of socialization by a law regulating the nature and extent of compensation.
             (3)  Compensation shall be determined by fairly balancing the interests of the general public and the parties

                                                        Article 33
                                                 [Right to data protection]

            1 Everyone has the right to determine the collection, use and disclosure of their personal data.  They may not be
            collected, stored, used or disclosed without the voluntary and express consent of the authorized person.  This right
            may only be interfered with by law or on the basis of a law.

                                                        Article 34
                                          [Information about environmental data]

            Every person has the right to information about data concerning the natural environment in his or her habitat,
            insofar as it has been collected or stored by the state and insofar as it does not conflict with federal law, legally
            protected interests of third parties or overriding interests of the general public.

                                                        Article 35
                                                    [Right to petition]

            1 Every person shall have the right, individually or jointly with others, to address in writing requests or complaints to
            the competent bodies and to the people's representative body.  There is a right to a reasoned decision within a
            reasonable period of time.

                                                        Article 36
                                   [Commitment of state authority to fundamental rights]

            The fundamental rights laid down in this Constitution shall bind the legislature, the executive and the judiciary as
            directly applicable law.

                                                        Article 37
                                            [Restriction of fundamental rights]

             (1)  To the extent that, under this Constitution, a fundamental right may be limited by or pursuant to a law, the law
             must apply generally and not only to the individual case.  In addition, the law must mention the fundamental right,
             specifying the article.
             (2) In no case may the essence of a fundamental right be infringed upon.
             (3) The fundamental rights shall also apply to legal persons having their registered office within the Federal
             Republic of Germany to the extent that they are applicable to them by their nature.

                                                        Article 38
                                               [Guarantee of legal recourse]
            1 If a person's rights are violated by public authority, legal recourse shall be open to him.  Insofar as no other
            jurisdiction is established, ordinary legal action shall be taken.  Article 27 Paragraph 2 Sentence 2 remains

                                                       3.  Section
                                                       The Landtag

                                                        Article 39
                                                   [Task, Free Mandate]
             (1) The Landtag is the elected representation of the people.

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