Page 221 - 《客語及少數族群語言政策》附錄_少數語言法律
P. 221


             (1) The state promotes cultural, artistic and scientific creation, sports activities and exchanges in these fields.
             (2)  Participation in culture in its diversity and in sports shall be made possible for the entire people.  To this end,
             publicly accessible museums, libraries, archives, memorials, theaters, sports venues, musical and other cultural
             institutions, as well as generally accessible universities, colleges, schools and other educational institutions are
             (3)  Monuments and other cultural assets are under the protection and care of the country.  The state is working
             to ensure that they remain in Saxony.

                                                        Article 12
                                           [Cross-border regional cooperation]

            The country strives for cross-border regional cooperation aimed at the development of neighborly relations, the
            growing together of Europe and peaceful development in the world.

                                                        Article 13
                                          [Obligation to strive for the state goals.]

            It shall be the duty of the country to strive to the best of its ability to achieve the state objectives set forth in this
            Constitution and to act in accordance therewith.

                                                       2.  Section
                                                 The fundamental rights

                                                        Article 14
                                                     [Human dignity]

             (1)  The dignity of the human being is inviolable.  It is the duty of all state authorities to respect and protect them.
             (2) The inviolability of human dignity is the source of all fundamental rights.

                                                        Article 15
                                              [General freedom of action]

            Everyone has the right to the free development of his personality, provided that he does not infringe the rights of
            others and does not violate the constitutional order or the moral law.

                                                        Article 16
                                 [Right to life and physical integrity, freedom of the person]

             (1)  Every person has the right to life and physical integrity.  The freedom of the person is inviolable.  These rights
             may be interfered with only on the basis of a law.
             (2)  No one shall be subjected to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, or to scientific or other
             experimentation without his voluntary and explicit consent.

                                                        Article 17
                                  [Legal guarantees in the event of deprivation of liberty]

             (1)  The freedom of the person may be restricted only on the basis of a formal law and only in compliance with the
             forms prescribed therein.  The person concerned must be informed immediately of the reasons for the restriction
             of liberty.
             (2)  Only the judge may decide on the admissibility and duration of deprivation of liberty.  In the case of any
             deprivation of liberty not based on a judicial order, a judicial decision shall be obtained without delay.  The police
             may not, on their own authority, keep anyone in their own custody longer than until the end of the day following
             their apprehension.  The details shall be determined by law.
             (3)  Any person provisionally arrested on suspicion of a criminal offense shall be brought before the judge no later
             than the day after the arrest, who shall inform him of the reasons for the arrest, question him and give him an
             opportunity to object.  The judge shall immediately either issue a reasoned written warrant for the arrest or order
             the release.
             (4)  A trusted person or a family member of the detained person shall be notified immediately of any judicial
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