Page 223 - 《客語及少數族群語言政策》附錄_少數語言法律
P. 223


                                                        Article 25
                                                 [Freedom of association]

            1 The right to form associations for the protection and promotion of working and economic conditions is guaranteed
            for every person and for all professions.  Agreements which restrict or seek to hinder this right shall be null and
            void; measures directed to this end shall be unlawful.

                                                        Article 26
                                     [Co-determination in companies and departments]

            1 Employee representative bodies shall be established in enterprises, departments and institutions of the state.
            2 These have the right of co-determination in accordance with the law.

                                                        Article 27
                                [Secrecy of correspondence, mail and telecommunications]

             (1)  The secrecy of correspondence and the secrecy of post and telecommunications are inviolable.
             (2)  Restrictions may only be ordered on the basis of a law.  If the restriction serves to protect the free democratic
             basic order or the existence or security of the Federation or of a Land, the law may stipulate that it shall not be
             notified  to  the  person  concerned  and  that  review  by  organs  and  auxiliary  organs  appointed  by  the  people's
             representation shall take the place of legal recourse.  In this case, it is to be provided that the restriction measures
             are to be communicated to the person concerned after their completion if a threat to the purpose of the restriction
             can be ruled out.

                                                        Article 28
                                                 [Freedom of occupation]

             (1)  Occupation and place of work may be freely chosen, provided that federal law does not prevent this.  The
             practice of the profession may be regulated by or on the basis of a law.
             (2)  Gainful child labor is generally prohibited.
             (3)  No person shall be compelled to perform any particular work except in the context of a traditional general
             public service obligation that is the same for all.

                                                        Article 29
                                           [Freedom of training and education]
             (1)  All citizens have the right to freely choose the educational institution.
             (2)  All citizens have the right to equal access to public education.

                                                        Article 30
                                                [Inviolability of the home]

             (1)  The apartment is inviolable.
             (2)  Searches may be ordered only by the judge, and in case of imminent danger also by the other organs
             provided for by the laws, and may be conducted only in the form prescribed therein.
             (3)  Interventions and restrictions may otherwise only be carried out to avert a common danger or a danger to the
             life of individuals, or, on the basis of a law, to prevent urgent dangers to public safety and order, in particular to
             remedy the shortage of space, to combat the danger of epidemics or to protect young people in danger.

                                                        Article 31
                                              [Property and inheritance law]

             (1)  Property and inheritance rights are guaranteed.  The content and limits are determined by the laws.
             (2)  Ownership obligates.  At the same time, its use should serve the public good, in particular protect the natural
             basis of life.

                                                        Article 32
                                      [Expropriation, transfer to common economy.]
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