Page 227 - 《客語及少數族群語言政策》附錄_少數語言法律
P. 227


                                                        Article 51
                                 [Members' right to ask questions and receive information]

             (1)  Questions from individual deputies or parliamentary inquiries shall be answered promptly and completely to
             the best of their knowledge by the state government or its members in the Landtag and its committees.  The same
             obligation applies to the representatives of the state government in the committees.
             (2) The state government may refuse to answer questions if they affect the core area of executive responsibility or
             if they conflict with statutory regulations, the rights of third parties or overriding interests in the protection of
             (3) Further details shall be regulated by the Rules of Procedure of the Landtag.

                                                        Article 52

             (1)  The Landtag shall form standing committees.  The rules of procedure determine the tasks, composition and
             mode of operation.
             (2)  The Landtag may decide to form temporary committees at the request of twelve deputies or a parliamentary
             group.  The subject matter and objective of the respective committee shall be specified in the resolution.
             (3) The committees may meet in public.

                                                        Article 53
                                                  [Petitions Committee]

             (1) The Landtag shall appoint a Petitions Committee to deal with petitions and complaints addressed to it.
             (2) In accordance with the Rules of Procedure of the Landtag, petitions and complaints may also be referred to
             another committee.
             (3) The powers of the Petitions Committee, in particular the right of access to public institutions and the right to
             submit files, shall be regulated by law.

                                                        Article 54
                                                 [Committees of Inquiry]

             (1)  The Landtag shall have the right and, at the request of one-fifth of its members, the duty to establish
             committees of inquiry.  The subject of the investigation shall be specified in the decision.  The subject of
             investigation designated in a minority motion may not be changed against the will of the applicants.
             (2)  The committees shall take such evidence in open court as they or the applicants deem necessary.  The public
             shall be excluded if two-thirds of the members of the committee present so request.
             (3) Evidence shall be taken if requested by one-fifth of the members of the Committee.
             (4) At the request of one-fifth of the members of the committee of inquiry, the state government shall be obliged to
             submit files and to grant its employees permission to give evidence, unless the core area of executive
             responsibility is affected or statutory regulations, the rights of third parties or overriding concerns of secrecy
             conflict with this.
             (5) Courts and administrative authorities are obliged to provide legal and administrative assistance.
             (6)  The details of the establishment, powers and procedure of the committees of inquiry shall be regulated by
             law.  The secrecy of correspondence, post and telecommunications remains unaffected.
             (7)  The decisions and findings of the committees of inquiry are not subject to judicial review.  However, the courts
             are free to assess and evaluate the facts on which the investigation is based.

                                                        Article 55
                                           [Indemnity and immunity of deputies]

             (1)  Members of the Landtag may not at any time be prosecuted or held liable in court or in the performance of
             their duties outside the Landtag for their vote or for any statement they have made in the Landtag or otherwise in
             the exercise of their mandate.  This does not apply to defamatory insults.
             (2)  Deputies may be drawn for investigation, arrested, detained, or arrested for an act punishable by law only
             with the consent of the Diet, unless they are arrested during the commission of an act punishable by law or during

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