Page 287 - 《客語及少數族群語言政策》附錄_少數語言法律
P. 287

           (2) Minister of Foreign Affairs
           (3) Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
           (4) Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare
           (5) Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
           (6) Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry
           (7) Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport
           (8) Minister of the Environment
           (9) Individuals appointed by the Prime Minister who are deemed to be particularly
             essential for the fulfillment of administrative duties at the Headquarters include ministers
             of state other than those that have been appointed to posts of the Director or Assistant
             Director in addition to those cited in respective preceding paragraphs.
           (Submission of documents and other means of cooperation)
          Article 38
           Section 1
           The Headquarters shall have the right to request heads of relevant administrative agencies,
           local public organizations and independent administrative corporations (referring to
           independent administrative corporations stipulated in Section 1 under Article 2 of the Act
           on General Rules for Incorporated Administrative Agency (Law No. 103 of 1999)) and
           local incorporated administrative agencies (referring to independent local administrative
           corporations stipulated in Section 1 under Article 2 of the Local Incorporated
           Administrative Agencies Law (Law No. 118 of 2003), as well as representatives of special
           public corporations (special corporations established by special establishment act based on
           direct legal incorporation according to the Corporation Law or a special law governing
           corporation, for which stipulations of Paragraph 8 in Section 1 under Article 4 of the Act
           for Establishment of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (Law No. 91 of
           1999)) when deemed necessary to fulfill administrative duties.
          Section 2
           The Headquarters shall have the right to request cooperation from parties other than those
           cited in the preceding section, if such a cooperation is deemed necessary to fulfill
           administrative duties.
           (Clerical work)

          Article 39
          Clerical work relating to the Headquarters shall be processed by the Cabinet Office and the
          Assistant Chief Cabinet Secretary shall carry out the task upon receiving orders.
           (Principal minister)
          Article 40
          The principal minister pertaining to affairs of the Headquarters, referred to by the Cabinet
          Law (Law No. 5 of 1947) shall be the Prime Minister.
           (Delegation by cabinet orders)
          Article 41
           Other than matters stipulated by this law, matters necessary in relation to the Headquarters
           shall be decided by cabinet orders.
               Chapter 8: Miscellaneous provisions
           (Delegation of authority)

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