Page 272 - 《客語及少數族群語言政策》附錄_少數語言法律
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           facilitate the Ainu living with pride in their ethnicity.
          Section 3
           The “Facilities that Comprise Spaces Symbolizing Symbiosis of Ethnic Groups” as
           referred to by this law are facilities comprised of space that symbolizes symbiosis of
           ethnic groups (administrative properties that are established at locations specified by
           ordinances of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport as well as the Ministry of
           Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology as sites for promotion of the Ainu
           culture, according to the provisions of Section 2 under Article 3 of the National
           Government Asset Act (Law No. 73 of 1948)
           (Including sites thereof), as stipulated by ordinances of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure
           and Transport as well as the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and
           (Basic principles)
          Article 3
           Section 1
           The promotion of the Ainu Policy must be implemented with the intention of ensuring that
           the pride of the Ainu as an ethnic group is honored, gaining deeper understanding among
           citizens regarding Ain tradition, which is the source of the pride of the Ainu, as well as the
           symbiosis of diverse ethnic groups and cultural development, which are important issues
           both internationally and in our country.
          Section 2
           The promotion of the Ainu Policy must be implemented, while taking into consideration
           the respect for the voluntary intention of the Ainu, to ensure that the Ainu can live with
           pride for their ethnic group.
          Section 3
           The promotion of the Ainu Policy must be implemented in close and mutual coordination
           with relevant parties of national and local public organizations and other entities as well as

           from a nationwide perspective, with consideration given to the fact that the Ainu not only
           reside in Hokkaido but also throughout the nation.
          Article 4
           No one may discriminate the Ainu based on ethnicity or engage in any acts that infringe
           on the rights and/or prosperity of an Ainu.
           (Responsibilities of national and local public organizations)
          Article 5
          Section 1
          National and local public organizations have the responsibility to formulate and implement
          an Ainu Policy based on the basic principles stipulated under the preceding two articles.
          Section 2
          National and local public organizations must strive to implement appropriate measures for
          nurturing individuals that inherit the Ainu culture.
          Section 3
          National and local public organizations must strive to deepen understanding by citizens
          about the Ainu through educational activities, public relations activities, and other activities.
          Section 4
           The National Government must strive to promote investigations and researches that

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