Page 273 - 《客語及少數族群語言政策》附錄_少數語言法律
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           contribute to the promotion of the Ainu culture, as well as to offer advice and implement
           other measures necessary for the Ainu Policy promotional activities, implemented by local
           public organizations.
           (Efforts by citizens)
          Article 6
           Citizens must strive to make their own contribution towards realizing a society in which
           the Ainu can live with pride for their ethnic group, and where such pride is honored.
               Chapter 2: Basic Policy, etc.
           (Basic Policy)
          Article 7
          Section 1
          The National Government must establish a basic policy for a comprehensive and effective
          promotion of the Ainu Policy implementation (hereinafter referred to as the “Basic Policy”).
          Section 2
           The Basic Policy must stipulate matters cited below.
           (1) Matters relating to the significance and objectives of the Ainu Policy
           (2) Basic Policy concerning the Ainu Policy that must be implemented by the National

           (3) Basic matters relating to management of facilities that comprise space that symbolize
           symbiosis of ethnic groups
           (4) Basic matters relating to certification stipulated in Section 9 of Article 10, regarding
           the Ainu Policy Promotion Regional Plan as stipulated by Section 1 under the same article
           (5) Matters necessary for the promotion of the Ainu Policy, other than those cited in
           preceding respective paragraphs
          Section 3
          The Prime Minister must seek a decision by Cabinet meeting on the Basic Policy prepared
          by the Ainu Policy Promotion Headquarters.
          Section 4
          The Prime Minister shall proclaim the Basic Policy without delay, once a decision is made
          by a Cabinet meeting, as stipulated by the preceding section.
          Section 5
          The National Government shall change the Basic Policy whenever such need arises.
          Section 6
          Stipulations provided by Section 3 and Section 4 apply to changes in the Basic Policy.
           (Prefectural Government policies)
          Article 8
           Section 1
           Governors of prefectures must strive to establish policies (hereinafter referred to as the
           “Prefectural Policy” in this article, as well as in Article 10) for promoting the Ainu Policy
           within boundaries of respective Prefectures as based on the Basic Policy.
          Section 2
           A Prefectural Policy must generally stipulate matters cited below.

           (1) Matters relating to the objectives of the Ainu Policy
           (2) Basic matters pertaining to the Ainu Policy that must be implemented by the relevant

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