Page 275 - 《客語及少數族群語言政策》附錄_少數語言法律
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           (2) Matters relating to projects cited below, which are necessary for the promotion of the
             Ainu Policy
             a. Projects that contribute to the preservation or inheritance of the Ainu culture
             b. Projects that contribute to the promotion of understanding regarding traditions of the
             Ainu, etc.
             c. Projects that contribute to the promotion of tourism, as well as other industries
             d. Projects that contribute to promotion of interchange within a region or between
             regions, or international interchanges
             e. Other projects that are specified by cabinet ordinance
           (3) Plan Period
           (4) Other matters specified by cabinet ordinance
          Section 3
           Municipal governments seeking to establish an Ainu Policy Promotion Regional Plan
           must hear statements given by individuals implementing projects as stipulated by
           Paragraph 2 of the preceding section for which there is intent to describe within such
          Section 4
           Matters related to projects stipulated in Paragraph 2 of Section 2 (excluding item (4)) may
           include matters relating to the collection of items that are forest products used to
           implement ceremonies passed on by the Ainu, as well as for promotion of the Ainu culture
           from nationally managed forests (referred to as a National Forest per Section 1 Article 2 of
           the Act on Utilization of National Forest Land (Law No. 246 of 1951),    same applies in
           Section 1 under Article 16).

          Section 5.
           Other than those stipulated by the preceding section, matters relating to projects stipulated
           in Paragraph 2 of Section 2 (excluding Item (4)) may include matters relating to the
           preservation or inheritance of ceremonies or fishing methods passed on by the Ainu
           (hereinafter referred to as the “Ceremonies, etc.” in this section), as well as projects for
           capturing salmon in inland waters (inland waters as stipulated by Paragraph 5 in Section 5
           under Article 60 of the Fishery Act (Law No. 267 of 1949) (hereinafter referred to as the
           “Inland Water Salmon Capturing Project” in this article and Article 17) for the purpose of
           disseminating or raising awareness of knowledge concerning such Ceremonies, etc. In
           such cases, a sector for conducting the Inland Water Salmon Capturing Project shall be
           described for each individual Inland Water Salmon Capturing Project.
          Section 6
           Aside from matters stipulated in the preceding two sections, matters relating to projects
           that are stipulated by Paragraph 2 Section 2 (limited to those relevant to Item (3)) may use
           the name of a region in which the relevant municipality is located, a tradename that
           includes an abbreviation of such name, or matters relating to the project that engages in
           the development of demand for service (referred to hereinafter as “Project for Developing
           Demands for Products, etc.”, in this section and Article 18). In such cases, objectives and
           implementation deadlines for such projects must be included for each Project for
           Developing Demands for Products, etc.
          Section 7
           An entity intending to conduct any projects described by Items a through e in Paragraph

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