Page 276 - 《客語及少數族群語言政策》附錄_少數語言法律
P. 276

           (2) Section 2 may propose a municipal government to prepare an Ainu Policy Promotion
           Regional Plan. In such cases, a draft proposal for the Ainu Policy Promotion Regional
           Plan must be prepared and presented in accordance with the Basic Policy.
          Section 8
           A municipal government that received a proposal submitted as stipulated by the preceding
           section must promptly notify the entity that submitted such proposal on whether or not an
           Ainu Policy Promotion Regional Plan will be prepared according to such proposal. In such
           cases, if a decision is made not to prepare an Ainu Policy Promotion Regional Plan, a clear
           reason must be provided.
          Section 9
           The Prime Minister shall certify an application that is recognized to comply with the
           criteria cited below, in the event such an application is received as stipulated by Section 1.
           (1) The application must comply with the Basic Policy.
           (2) The implementation of the Ainu Policy Promotion Regional Plan must be recognized
           to make contributions that are equivalent to the level expected from promoting the
           implementation of the Ainu Policy in the relevant local region.
           (3) The application must be expected to be implemented smoothly and securely.
          Section 10
           The Prime Minister may request the Ainu Policy Promotion Headquarters for their
           opinion, when deemed necessary, in certifying the application described in the preceding

          Section 11
           The Prime Minister must notify the Prefectural Governor of the municipality that has
           prepared the Ainu Policy Promotion Regional Plan when certifying such a plan in
           accordance with Section 9. In such cases, the Governor of the relevant Prefecture may
           offer the Prime Minister his or her opinion regarding such certification described in the
           said section once a Prefectural Policy has been established.
          Section 12
           The Prime Minister must obtain consent from the head of the relevant administrative
           agency of the National Government (herein simply referred to as the “Head of Relevant
           National Agency”) who manages such project-related matters (referring to any of matters
           stipulated by Sections 4 through 6;    same applies hereinafter), if such a designated project
           is described in the Ainu Policy Promotion Regional Plan, and where the certification is to
           be conducted according to Section 9.
          Section 13
           The Prime Minister must listen to the opinion of the Prefectural Governor for the
           municipality within the borders of the proposed Inland Water Salmon Capturing Project
           (in the event such Ainu Policy Promotion Regional Plan is prepared jointly by
           municipalities, then only those that are in the region where the Inland Water Salmon
           Capturing Project is to be conducted), when intending to certify an Ainu Policy Promotion
           Regional Plan that includes matters relating to Inland Water Salmon Capturing Project
           according to Section 9.
          Section 14
           The Prime Minister must publicly announce any certification conducted according to
           Section 9, without delay.

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