Page 277 - 《客語及少數族群語言政策》附錄_少數語言法律
P. 277

           (Changes of certified Ainu Policy Promotion Regional Plan)
          Article 11
           Section 1
           Municipal governments must obtain certification from the Prime Minister when intending
           to implement any change to their Ainu Policy Promotion Regional Plan that had been
           certified according to the stipulations of Section 9 in the preceding article.
          Section 2
           Stipulations provided in Section 3 through 14 of the preceding article are applicable to
           changes of Ainu Policy Promotion Regional Plan certified according to Section 9 of the
           same article.
           (Collection of reports)
          Article 12
           Section 1
           The Prime Minister shall have the right to request a report from the municipality
           (hereinafter referred to as the “Certified Municipality”) that received certification on the
           current status of implementation for the Ainu Policy Promotion Regional Plan certified
           according to Section 9 under Article 10 (in the event a certification for change was made
           according to Section 1 of the preceding article, then the plan after such change; hereinafter
           referred to as the “Certified Ainu Policy Implementation Regional Plan”).

          Section 2
           The head of the relevant national administrative agency shall have the right to request a
           report from the municipality that received certification on the current status of
           implementation for the designated project, if mattes relevant to the designated project are
           described in the Ainu Policy Promotion Regional Plan.
           (Request for provisions)
          Article 13
           Section 1
           The Prime Minister shall have the right to request the certified municipal governments
           conduct provisions necessary for implementing a relevant certified Ainu Policy Promotion
           Regional Plan, when recognized as necessary for the proper implementation of the
           certified Ainu Policy Promotion Regional Plan.
          Section 2
           The head of the relevant national administrative agency shall have the right to request the
           certified municipal governments to conduct provisions necessary for implementing
           relevant designated project, if a designated project relevant matters are described in the
           Ainu Policy Promotion Regional Plan.
           (Cancelation of certification)
          Article 14
           Section 1
           The Prime Minister shall have the right to cancel certification if a certified Ainu Policy
           Promotion Regional Plan no longer complies with any of the respective paragraphs in
           Section 9 under Article 10. In such cases, the Prime Minister must notify the head of
           relevant national administrative agencies in advance if matters relevant to a designated
           project are described in such Ainu Policy Promotion Regional Plan.
          Section 2

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