Page 280 - 《客語及少數族群語言政策》附錄_少數語言法律
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           that is required to pay a registration fee as stipulated by Section 1 or Section 2 under
           Article 40 or Section 1 or Section 7 under Part 2 under Article 41 of the said law is the
           organization responsible for the relevant Project for Developing Demands for Products,
           etc. In such cases, stipulations in Section 2 under Article 18 and Section 1 as well as
           Section 2 under Article 23 of the same law in such instances shall be applied with the
           expression “when a payment has been made” replaced by “when a payment has been made
           or a waiver was granted”.
          Section 3
           The Director General of the Patent Office shall have the right to reduce or waive fees
           associated with the application of trademark registration required by stipulations of
           Section 2 under Article 76 of the Trademark Law (limited to those that involve a
           submission of the trademark registration application during the implementation period) in
           accordance with the Cabinet Order, if the entity seeking to register a trademark is the
           responsible organization for the Project for Developing Demands for Products, etc.,
           describes a Certified Ainu Policy Promotion Regional Plan relevant to their products or
          Section 4
           In the event the equity is specified for entities in shared possession, who receive a
           reduction or waiver of the registration fees for trademark rights according to stipulations
           in Section 2 (hereinafter referred to as “reductions and waivers” in this section) for the
           registration fees stipulated by Section 1 or Section 2 under article 40 or Section 1 or
           Section 7 in Part 2 under Article 41 of the Trademark Law, then each shared owner must
           pay the amount derived based on the sum of the amount due for stipulated registration fees
           for each shared owner (amount after reduction for those who are eligible for receiving
           reductions and waivers) divided by the proportion of equity shares, irrespective of
           stipulations in Section 1 or Section 2 under article 40 or Section 1 or Section 7 in Part 2
           under Article 41 of the same law.
          Section 5
           In the event the right arising from the application for registration of trademark for entities
           that include those eligible to receive a reduction or a waiver of fees for trademark
           registration application (hereinafter referred to as the “reduction and waiver” in this
           section) as stipulated in Section 3 and where equity is established, then fees for the
           application of trademark registration that must be paid according to stipulations in Section
           2 under Article 76 of the Trademark Law shall be paid by each shared owner, for the
           amount calculated by applying the proportion of equity to the amount of fees for the
           trademark registration application (amount after applying a reduction and waiver for those
           who are eligible for reduction and waiver), irrespective of stipulations in the same section.

          Section 6
           In the event there is a fractional amount that is under ten yen with the amount of
           registration fee or fees calculated according to stipulations of the preceding two sections,
           then such fraction shall be rounded off.
           (Considerations for municipal bonds)
          Article 19
           In the event municipal bonds are issued by a Certified Municipality in order to supplement
           expenses required to conduct projects implemented based on a Certified Ainu Policy

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