Page 278 - 《客語及少數族群語言政策》附錄_少數語言法律
P. 278

           The head of the national administrative agency that received such notification based on
           stipulations in the preceding section shall have the right to present his or her opinion to the
           Prime Minister regarding the cancellation of certification by the Prime Minister according
           to the stipulations of the said section.
          Section 3
           Other than cases stipulated in the preceding section, the head of the national administrative
           agency shall have the right to present his or her opinion to the Prime Minister regarding
           cancelation of certification according to the stipulation of Section 1 when designated
           project relevant matters described in such Ainu Policy Promotion Regional Plan.
          Section 4
          Stipulations of Section 14 under Article 10 shall apply to the cancellation of certification
          according to the stipulations in Section 1.
               Chapter 5: Special Provisions for Projects Based on Certified Ainu Policy Promotion
               Regional Plan
           (Subsidy grants, etc.)
          Article 15
           Section 1
           The National Government shall have the right to grant subsidies to certified municipalities
           for projects based on a Certified Ainu Policy Promotion Regional Plan (limited to those
           stipulated by Paragraph 2 of Section 2 under Article 10) to supplement expenses required
           to implement such projects according to specification of the Cabinet Office Ordinance and
           within a set budget.
          Section 2
           Expenses for projects conducted with appropriation of subsidies granted according to the
           preceding section shall not place any cost on the National Government based on
           stipulations provided by other laws and ordinances, or any subsidy or grants, irrespective
           of relevant stipulations.

          Section 3
          Other than those matters stipulated in the preceding two sections, matters necessary with
          respect to the grant of subsidy described in Section 1 shall be determined by a Cabinet
          Office Ordinance.
           (Establishment of shared forests in nationally owned forests)
          Article 16
           Section 1
           The Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries shall have the right to grant residents
           of a relevant Certified Municipality or individuals that reside in a certain district within a
           relevant Certified Municipality a joint right to gather forest products for the purpose of
           conducting ceremonies passed on by the Ainu and to conduct other activities for the
           promotion of the Ainu culture relating to matters described by stipulations of Section 4
           under Article 10, through contracts, when allowing the use of land is deemed necessary for
           the purpose of enhancing functionality of land use via adjusting management of national
           forests with residents of certified municipalities (limited to municipalities that prepared a
           Certified Ainu Policy Promotion Region Plan which describes details as stipulated by
           Section 4 under the same article;    the same applies hereinafter in this section).
          Section 2

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